How to improve your communication skills?
Better communication means improving the use of words and situations. Here, we could refer to the control of conversations, for example. With a few examples, it is easier to have an external view of a situation and therefore, to understand what can help to improve communication skills.
It has happened to all of us, after a conversation, to forget to talk about a particular point or topic: "I forgot to tell him this or I should have told him that". Many exchanges do not take place through listening, so we do not necessarily have speaking skills since we are more focused on what we want to say than on the exchange.
You have to start listening to the other party. Finally, we must think about the answer according to the information given by the interlocutor. In some situations, you have to try to understand what the other is waiting for.
It's not manipulation, at least not all the time, but giving the other person the words and information that can make them change their minds or make them think differently, also means improving their communication. The last approach is the accuracy of the words. Having a good vocabulary helps a lot to improve your communication skills.
1.Become more attractive
The more attractive you are, the more people will care about what you have to say. There is also a so-called "halo" effect, which involves more easily labeling people we perceive as attractive, with positive traits. So, if you are more attractive, people have a lower confidence threshold. The wellbeing at work is encouraged by a nice atmosphere and mediation of conflicts, by better communication.
2.Improve the sound of your voice
Things only look good if they are – this is a phrase used to describe the importance of having good sound in video production, but the same goes for people. The prettier your voice, the better it sounds. More people will want to engage with you. Take voice lessons. Make tongue twisters. Take breaks and stay hydrated. If you combine all of this, the words you utter will sound much more aesthetic, making it more enjoyable for people to talk to you.
3.Get a nice attitude and listen carefully
Looking at someone intentionally as they speak and nodding your head every few seconds will make them feel like they are being heard. This is of the utmost importance. Whether someone feels like you are listening is more important than whether you are actually listening. Even after they are done talking. Wait a few seconds to respond to make sure they are finished speaking. It will also make them feel the suspense that he may have said something wrong. When you start to speak, they will feel relieved to hear your voice.
4.Be conscious of the context
The communication skills of many people are hampered because they do not know the unspoken rules of the context. This doesn't mean you have to obey all the unspoken rules of social etiquette, but it does evoke that you know you are breaking the etiquette. It might be a little weird to say it now, but you have to let people know that you are not ignorant, which will make them much more comfortable talking with you.