Our online learning platform uses leading-edge and the most effective methods. Our courses have an e-learning system which is available to you 24 hours a day. You can access it at any time from anywhere and from any device and learn at your own pace.
Tested quality is our top priority! This applies not only to our Online Academy, but also to our entire company. On that account, we are very meticulous in selecting our partners. We work with a highly qualified team of experts, partners, and professionals in wellbeing. We have personally met and verified, every single partner.
Blog posts
The Power of Resilience: The Importance of Building Inner Strength
Overcoming fear and self-doubt Explore ways to overcome fear and self-doubt that can hold us back from achieving our potential
Wellbeing through online courses for employees
„Before I met Mara Schär at Joy Corporate I was overwhelmed and stressed regarding our event organization, because it is a big challenge to get in touch with the right professionals and have the right connections for each area. Mara helped me organize a lot of workshops and people only had only good feedback left: “The best professionals, great method, great organization”. For me, work with Joy Corporate is more than just a company business. I see that she is looking to improve and help people, creating a customized plan for each one. I’m thankful to work with such professionals.“
" The board and the members of the NAV (“Novartis Angestellten Verband” = Novartis Employees' Association) found the lecture entitled “The Psychology of Persuasion” instructive."
"Our feedback is incredibly positive. The "Time Management" course made an exceptionally good impression on us and it is already being used on a regular basis, one way or the other."